Staggeringly Fascinating QUESTIONS
I’ve been doing a fair bit of traveling, attending marketing meetings from Walnut Creek to Tampa. I have a lot of new ideas, but I want to try a different approach.
You are my customer, my client, my friend, my relationship. So how about I ask you what YOU want, what YOU think is important?
Can you sell it? Are you selling it? To whom?
United of Omaha has two SOLID IUL options, both simple and transparent-with a Guaranteed Refund Option (think ROP).
Lincoln has a brand new IUL with a 40 year no lapse guarantee, and an 8.75% cap, guaranteed for the first 10 years.
We’re quoting it here and there, but not selling a ton, and I’m wondering why. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a guarantee junkie. But I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Accelerated Benefit Riders:
I have to hand it to our carriers-in this plodding, low interest rate environment, they’re super focused on differentiating their products, any way they can. And most of the effort is going toward Accelerated Benefit Riders, or ABR’s.
AIG has no fewer than FIVE ways to access a death benefit early.
Does ANYBODY care? Have you ever sold a policy because of its ABR?
Drop Ticket Term:
There. That’s pretty much it. You know where it went from there. Poof. Almost gone forever. But we fixed it.
Do you want access to a Drop Ticket application process?
Another Cheap Term Carrier: