The Top 10 Types Of People Who Think They Can’t Get A Good Rate On Insurance But Are Wrong
by Jeffrey D. Mooers
January 2018
I remember eavesdropping on a lunch conversation a while back, because I usually eat alone, because one man’s ‘isolation’ is another man’s solitude (thank you anyway, Doctor).
A guy was talking to his lunch date, saying how he wished his father could get life insurance but he couldn’t seeing as how he was a diabetic.
Come to find out, this guy was a financial planner. Licensed to sell life insurance. And he was not aware that diabetics could qualify for competitive rates.
Fact is, the landscape has changed and continues to do so. Underwriting has loosened in many areas (and, admittedly, tightened in a few).
What is fascinating is the wide variety of responses we find with similar impairments. One company’s declination can be another’s Preferred.
Here then, the top 10 cases where great rates—and lousy ones—can be found:
Read full article here.