It’s MOOCOW – MOOers Case Of the Week – time!

We probably shouldn’t be telling this story out loud, and frankly, the whole ‘it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission’ argument doesn’t always seem all that accurate.
But what the heck.
Jim got an offer from Stuffy Mutual of Standard Smoker due to chewing tobacco. Agent came to us, and we told him we could get him Standard Plus Nonsmoker. And we could do it quickly and easily with a drop ticket process.
We weren’t right about any of that. The carrier wanted medical records, but Jim had no doctor. Jim is in the medical field, he knew his history well, and was invested in the process, so we had the brilliant idea to ask him to cull everything he had on his own medical history.
That backfired. He got frustrated. He was upset with the agent. Told him to can the whole thing. So he’s mad at the agent; the agent is mad at us.
We climbed to the top of the underwriting tower and got an Officer at the Home Office involved. We stayed with the case even though we were told to drop it. We got him approved and got the policy issued.
The agent went back to Jim and told him he had a policy—the one Jim wanted.
So he took it. We just sent the agent his commission of nearly $5,000.
Looks like We Fight For Your Life even when we’re not supposed to.
Give us a call and let us help you with your next case today!
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Fighting For Your Life Since 1937