It’s MOOCOW – MOOers Case Of the Week – time!

The Subject of this broker’s email was, literally, “Got a Guy”. (This was the second case he floated to us this year. The first one, about a month ago, was introduced as “Got a Gal”. Gotta love it, we say….)
The broker dumped 6 pages of lab results in our lap that showed a 73-year-old with diabetes. The lab results (A1C of 7.6, glucose 168) were less than ideal, and to top it off, this client was “spilling protein”—one value in his urine sample was 215, where the normal range is 0-30.
We are pathologically glass half full over here, so I went looking for a mildly rated offer. My first response? “Very poorly controlled diabetic; is a decline. Needs to either see his MD to get serious re his DM management or get to a MD; get diagnosed and get on an effective treatment & diet protocol.”
We didn’t like that answer, so we kept mining. Until we struck gold, with a Table 2 offer.
Not only that, if the client were to do another UA that showed no protein—as often happens—we could get the case to Standard. Upon hearing this news, I informed the underwriter that he was my Valentine, to which he replied, “EEK. I was hoping to do better.”
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