NOAH Cannabis User?
What’s up, dude?
And welcome to Cali (and other states), where marijuana is now legal. Let’s get this party STARTED.
We see a vastly increasing number of applications on those who partake, if you will. Trouble is, we find out after the application has been submitted to the WRONG CARRIER.
Like the other NOAH Programs, there is an art to the cannabis enthusiast. We’ll teach you exactly where to go, and how to go there.

- About a third of our carriers still qualify those who use THC—in any form—as “smokers”. We’ll train you to stay clear of those.
- Some care how it’s ingested—edibles, inhaled, oils—where some don’t.
- Now that this stuff is legal, finding enthusiasts is easy to do. And they’re a unified group. You take care of them, and word will spread.
- We’re starting to see carrier activity with regard to business insurance on cannabis distributors, but you really HAVE TO KNOW where to look.
Last time we checked…
NOBODY has approached these dispensaries with an offer of guidance, for the company, or their customers. This is a brand new and quickly growing market. They’re a really fun group to talk to.
Offers range from Preferred Non tobacco for 2X a week use, to Standard Smoker for 1X a year use. Market expertise is absolutely critical.